Spiritual Mentoring

Spitiual Mentoring

One of the greatest things you can do to help others is not just to share and give what you have but to help them discover what they have within themselves to help themselves (Rita Zahara)

Why is spiritual mentoring good for us?  How can a spiritual mentor support you? What will the relationship between you and your spiritual mentor focus on?

My blog write up below will go someway to answering the questions.

S-Spirit. We are first and foremost spiritual beings having a human experience therefore its important to remember that our spirit/soul needs to be nurtured to maximise our wellbeing. There are many ways to nurture the spirit. Some examples include prayer, meditation, walking in nature, immersing ourselves in hobbies and interests that bring us joy, showing gratitude and acts of kindness. Spirituality is the stuff that interconnects us.

You are an infinite spiritual being having a temporary human experience (Dr Wayne Dyer)


P-Purpose. We all have a purpose. We were all born to realise our potential and make a difference in the world. We all have unique gifts and talents given to us by our Creator and our job is to discover them, use them and share them with others. Our collective purpose is to learn to give and receive love. Whether it be work or hobbies do what interests you and fills you with joy and satisfaction.

Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your heart and soul to it (Buddha)


I-I AM- We all have an I AM presence that is eternal and unchangeable. Our job is to remember who we truly are and discover for ourselves the peace, beauty, joy and ease that comes with living according to our I AM presence.

I AM-Two of the most powerful words; for what you put after them shapes your reality.


R-Radiate- We are all beings of light. We are all divine beings and our creator energies reside within us. It is about moving from living a mind-based reality to a heart and soul-based reality that offers an alternative way to experience life. It is not about striving for perfection but realising that we are both divine beings as well as human beings and that we have the capacity to raise our levels of awareness and consciousness and allow our soul/spirit to be the prime driver in our life which in turns offers us more joy, peace and contentment. The more light, love and positivity you reflect outwards the more will come back to you.

Your body is woven from the light of heaven (Rumi)


I-Inspire- Seek out those that inspire you, spend time with them, learn from them and live according to that which resonates with you. Grow as a person from the knowledge and the teachings of others as you adopt some of that which you have learnt. Don’t forget even as adults it is good to play and connect with our inner child. Children can be our best teachers if we are conscious and present enough to see that.

The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. (Winston Churchill)


T-Truth-Jesus said, “Only the truth of who you are, if realised will set you free”

Loving God and living according to our divine nature which also includes love of self and others. We are all connected to divine consciousness. Knowing that we are all connected makes us want to strive to be more loving and compassionate with ourselves and others.

Learn more about spiritual truths and how to live them to make your life more joyful and when challenging times come how to deal with them with more ease.

I cannot tell you any spiritual truth that deep within you don’t know already. All I can do is remind you of what you have forgotten (Eckhart Tolle)


U-Universe-The Universe always has your back, we just need to learn to trust and connect with it. Move from Fear to Faith to realise your goals and dreams. We receive guidance from the universe in different ways. You may feel an intuitive knowing, signs, synchronicities, meditations practices. Be conscious of the messages you receive and know it is from the universe.

Once you make a decision the Universe conspires to make it happen (Ralph Waldo Emerson)


A-Angels- I have an affinity with the Angels and they are always available to support us on our human journey.  All we need to do is ask them as they won’t interfere unless we ask for help because we are all born with free will. Having Angels on your side can certainly help. Angels can help us in all areas of our life and according to out highest good. Each of us has a Guardian Angel who is always by your side.

Angels speak to those who silence their mind long enough to hear (Proverb)


L-Love- Fundamentally our human journey and purpose is to learn to give and receive love as expressed in many different ways. We must learn to help others and humankind.  People and events are placed in our lives as an opportunity to learn and express love and compassion. It is important to live a life that is selfless and not full of EGO. The Universe rewards us when we demonstrate genuine acts of loving and caring towards others. We have all experienced hardships and challenges in our lives which can affect our ability to love ourselves and others unconditionally. Our life journey involves healing from past traumas, negative emotions and behaviour patterns so that we can learn to love more authentically and healthily. 

Love is forgiving and Love is Giving (Dr Wayne Dyer)

M-Meditation- Meditation is a great spiritual practice and a must for all who are committed to spiritual growth and development. There are so many benefits to be gained from meditation practice including strengthening the immune system, reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression, trains you to become more aware and live in the moment, makes you happier, improves memory and increases activity. Meditation practice can offer us clarity and creative solutions to questions that we may have.

You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day unless you are to busy and then you should sit for an hour (Old Zen saying)


E-Enlightenment- Through spiritual practices we can reach the stage of enlightenment whereby we function from a higher level of consciousness. We can see the bigger picture; the mind is transformed, and we live less from the ego and more from our original essence. It’s about knowing and embracing the truth and letting go of the illusion.

Enlightenment, joy and peace can never be given to you by another. The well is inside of you (Thich Nhat Nanh)


N-Nature- Connect with nature, we all know about the benefits of exercising the body outdoors, taking in the beauty that surrounds us. Connecting with nature has positive effects on our mind, body and soul. Connecting with nature helps us to remember our source and helps us to feel more vibrant and refreshed. Go ahead and hug a tree! We should consider nature our home, not a place to visit.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished (Lao Tzu)


T-Teacher- spiritual teacher/mentor’s role is unique in that the goal is not only to transmit knowledge or understanding but to bring about a recognition about one’s own pre-existing nature. This is a much more subtle thing than simply teaching someone a skill or understanding. When a person is experiencing life from their authentic pre-existing nature, they are likely to have more confidence, set life goals, fulfil their dreams and ambitions and meet life’s challenges more gracefully.

We rise by lifting others (Robert Ingersoll)

O-Oneness-People who believe in oneness, the idea that everything in the world is connected and interdependent appear to have greater life satisfaction and are more at ease with themselves and others. They are less fearful as the illusion of separateness and aloneness dissolves.

We are one. Everything in the Universe is within you. Ask all from yourself. (Rumi)


R-Renewal- Requires being open to new ways of thinking, feeling and living. Your dedication to your spiritual growth will open up a new world for you and remember always to be grateful for who you were, who you are and who you are to become.  Every day be grateful for life as it is now.



If you would like to learn more about how I can support you as a spiritual mentor feel free to have a look at my website and contact me to book an appointment.


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